Wanna break the Matrix?

Join our team

Our mission

We are cyber security professionals with a clear mission: we protect the values of our society and make the world a safer place.

That's why we help organisations to protect themselves with the right combination of technologies, processes and people.

And we do it right! We play in the Champions League of cyber security, in the areas of ISMS consulting, assessments, incident response and security awareness.

"You've got some great customers!" We hear that a lot and yes, it's true and makes us proud. Our customers are companies with critical infrastructure and/or sensitive information: Banks & insurance companies, energy suppliers, airports and airlines, automotive manufacturers and suppliers, but also young biotech or e-commerce start-ups. They all trust us and value our expertise, efficiency, pragmatism and friendliness. A Bavarian security boutique for international customers.

Soon to be your mission too?

Hvs Animation Transparent Bg

No suitable position for you? We look forward to receiving your unsolicited application! Simply send us an e-mail to jobs@hvs-consulting.de with a few lines about your profile and your attached CV. 

Our culture

Our secret: 100% conviction! No politics! We support each other, stand up for each other, encourage and challenge each other, are always appreciative and open in our communication. This is the only way we can deliver top performance as a team and have fun at the same time.

We always stay at the forefront of our field and are constantly learning. In our mentoring concept, experienced consultants coach new colleagues and successfully implement projects together.

We work in a results-orientated and flexible way so that life is not neglected. Of course, we also work from home, but not only. Because real teams are formed over a chat at the coffee machine, over lunch together and after meetings.

Just take a look at Kununu to see what our colleagues say about us.


Your benefits at HvS-Consulting

We don't just offer muesli bars and free drinks - that's standard these days. We also offer you attractive benefits on request.
Benefits Jobrad (1)
Lease your new bike or e-bike and have it subsidised by us. It's cheaper than buying it outright and good for your health.
Benefits Spenditcard
Receive up to 50 euros a month tax-free on your individual prepaid credit card for lunch, shopping or refuelling.
Benefits Altersvorsorge
Retirement provision
Look to the future with peace of mind with our company pension scheme. We will subsidise your desired amount by 15% and pay it directly into the pension scheme.
Benefits Kind
Kindergarten subsidy
To be able to work with peace of mind, it is important that your little family members are well looked after. We subsidise childcare costs for crèche or kindergarten.
Benefits Jobticket
We welcome sustainable mobility and ensure that you can not only get to your workplace cost-effectively, but also to any other place in Germany.
Benefits Wellness (1)
The EGYM Wellpass gives you access to numerous fitness and wellness programmes in your area. We subsidise your membership with 50 euros per month to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle in your everyday working life.

What our employees think about us

Who we are

Tobi – Team E-Learning & Multimedia
"It is like it is."
Sven – Team Security Assessment
"Look at me, I’m the domain admin now."
Moritz – Team Incident Response
"Keep calm and coordinate your response."
Daniel – Team Engineering ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
"Code never lies, comments sometimes do."
Markus – Security Concepts & Architectures
“Let's draw a picture of it!”
Mario – Team Security Consulting
"Plan – Do – Check – Act – repeat."
Thorsten – IS-FOX Sales Teamㅤㅤㅤㅤ
"Our job description says we are sales, but at the core of our hearts we are storytellers."
Lucas – IS-FOX Produkte & Awareness
„It’s not a bug, it’s a feature”
Hvs Consulting Hoch 72Dpi
All about us
Find out more about our mission and what drives us.
Learn more

Your path to your dream job

Application letter

Send us your application with your CV and references. Feel free to tell us what you think we should know about you and impress us with your unique skills and knowledge.

Application letter

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Video interview

The next step is to "get to know each other" in a web meeting. We tell each other what makes us tick and sound out whether we are a good fit - both personally and professionally.

Video interview

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Meet us in Garching

Nothing beats getting to know us in person. That's why we're inviting you to join us in Garching. You will get to know potential team members and can present a small case study related to the position. Over lunch or dinner at our expense, you will experience first-hand that we really live our values and don't just claim to.

Meet us in Garching

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Welcome aboard

If we both see a future together, you will immediately receive draft contracts from us with all the agreed framework conditions. Your team lead will develop your personalised onboarding plan. We can't wait to welcome you!

Welcome aboard

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Convinced? We look forward to meeting you!

Apply now
Most frequently asked questions

Our office is located on the business campus in Garching, just outside Munich.

Why not downtown? Because Garching is perfect for us!

  • We have a direct underground connection, at peak times every 5 minutes.
  • The A9 and A99 motorways are only a 3-minute drive away.
  • The airport is just a 25-minute drive away.
  • The business campus offers a diverse selection of restaurants and lunch options.
  • There is an Edeka supermarket right next door for private daily or weekly shopping.
  • We have a modern office on 600 square metres on the 6th floor with a sensational view over Munich to the Alps.

With a 5-day week, you will receive 30 days' holiday from us. You can also take holiday with us during your probationary period by arrangement with your team leader, as we always try to make holiday requests possible.

You will receive your personalised onboarding plan. We will welcome you to our office in Garching for the first few days in your new job. Here you can not only soak up a bit of HvS DNA, but also get to know your new colleagues. You will receive a comprehensive IT and security briefing and will be able to jump straight into your first projects.

You will be "refuelled", but not to the point of overflowing, because we know how demanding the first few days in a new job are and try to divide all the new information into suitable morsels.

We are fundamentally a virtual company and remote working is of course part of a modern working environment. First and foremost, we work in a results-orientated and flexible way, sometimes from anywhere in the world.

However, real teams are formed after meetings, in the coffee kitchen or over lunch, which is why we also like to see you in the office.